
Number of words? Hours? Goals? I put together a spreadsheet with my goals on it, so I can track my writing progress. When I see my overall successes, I’m pleased with the progress I’m making, but unfortunately, the “squirrel” keeps getting in my way!  What do I mean by “squirrel” you ask? It’s the conflicting priorities that pull me from one thing to another, without finishing the goal I started the day with. Sigh…

Do you have that same problem? I do know that I’m a multi-tasker. When cleaning the house, I choose one main goal to get done now, but see little things that need to be put away/completed on my way to doing something for the main goal, so I pick it up and do that too…there are many “too’s” on the way to completing my house-cleaning goal; however, those little “squirrels” get done so they don’t nag at me every time I walk by them. Eventually, I do get the house clean!

I’ve noticed the same pattern when I’m writing. I know that I need to get something written for my webpage, need to write another devotion and get it submitted for consideration, finish editing that article, and work on the next scene in my novel. What about learning how to create a successful YouTube channel, write the newsletter, and get the critique group edits ready for meeting? So many squirrels!

Being an author is a daunting, but rewarding calling. I’ll take another look at my goal spreadsheet, and perhaps break my goals into smaller pieces. That way I can select the ones I must get done during this day of writing, and if I bounce among the goals, give myself permission to be okay with it. 

Really, the goal is to make progress in your journey every day, no matter if you reach your self-imposed goal or not! As long as you’re moving forward, when your time is up at the end of your allotted time, give yourself credit for all you accomplished, and plan what you’ll do tomorrow.


the power of words


Oregon christian writers conference—oh my!