Oregon christian writers conference—oh my!
January 2022 was the month I committed to chiseling out the time to write. I became a member of OCW, and learned that they were having a writing contest. All the entries would be critiqued by current OCW members who were also authors, some with several books published.
I decided to enter two devotions and one fiction article in the contest, and posted it on social media so that I was held accountable. :) It was a challenge and a goal, and I did it! The process of writing first the draft, then crafting the language to make it flow, while keeping the focus on the topic was a swirling process, like mixing your favorite cookie dough.
I had my favorite editor review my entries three different times before we were both satisfied, then off they went. It was quite a surprise to find that one devotion and the article made it into the top three in both categories. At the conference, I was able to walk across the stage and pick up my finalist certificates. What a blessing! :) I didn’t win either category, and that’s okay because I received the scoring sheets for all three pieces, and learned what I can do better.
I’m looking forward to entering the contest again next year! :) Will you take the challenge with me, and make it your goal to enter the contest too? How can I help you make this a reality for your writing?